Effective information security governance starts with a framework for making well-informed decisions and responding to new challenges. Kroll’s well-rounded team of experts can provide unique insights and practical support for any organisation looking to mitigate its cyber risks.

Effective cyber governance involves making multiple decisions to address an organisation’s current and future challenges. While understanding cyber threats is key, security leaders and senior management must also be aware of financial and operational factors, including reputational concerns and regulatory obligations. It is not always easy to know when to compromise and where to bolster resources.

Kroll’s team of cyber experts – with diverse backgrounds in law enforcement, government agencies, and large private enterprises – has managed thousands of cybersecurity engagements in Singapore, Hong Kong, across Asia and worldwide. With this knowledge and experience, we have developed a framework for a defensible cyber security strategy in five pillars:

Cyber Security Strategy Five Pillars

Cyber Security Strategy Five Pillars


Our Cyber Governance Framework

We help you look at cyber security from many perspectives—from learning best practices for all types of situations to developing a process for risk-ranking the vulnerabilities and threats most harmful for your organization’s maturity, size and sector. Our goal is to bring confidence in your decision-making and strengthen the framework that will support and implement your strategies. 

Kroll’s governance and risk advisory solutions are also included as part of an array of proactive services, available through our client-friendly cyber risk retainers for maximum tangible value.

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Kroll Cyber Governance and Risk Advisory Services 

Here are a few selected services available to help your organisation with cyber governance issues: 

  • Virtual CISO Advisory

    Kroll’s cyber experts augment our clients’ cybersecurity teams by training and developing existing staff. They work alongside in-house security leaders to set strategic objectives in support of critical technology demands and balance IT administration. And they will help establish clear communication protocols with board members, investors and government agencies.
  • Data Protection Officer (DPO) Services

    In partnership with leading data privacy law firms, Kroll provides DPO consultancy services to help our clients stay in compliance with GDPR and other privacy laws and regulations.
  • Board Advisory for Cyber

    Kroll can help board members get more involved in cybersecurity and give meaningful advice and direction to help officers meet wide-ranging stakeholder and regulatory expectations.
  • Application Security Services

    Our product security experts can help clients upscale their AppSec programs with strategic services tailored to their unique culture and needs, merging engineering and security into a single, manageable unit.


  • Incident Response Threat Simulations

    With years of experience supporting hundreds of clients, Kroll has developed a seven-step process for administering tabletop exercises (TTX) for client organisations of all sizes, complexity, and industry sectors. Participation in a Kroll TTX helps clients’ staff clarify and rehearse their roles in a real-world simulation and develop more confidence in their ability to respond effectively in the event of an incident.
  • Cyber Security Due Diligence for M&A

    Kroll helps organisations make better-informed M&A decisions by evaluating potential acquisition targets to help clients identify cybersecurity lapses or potential risks, quantify remediation costs, help restructure transactions, and demonstrate their commitment to data security to both regulators and stakeholders.
  • Security Culture as a Service

    With all our cybersecurity services, we help organisations foster a culture that encourages employees to internalize a cyber security and data privacy mindset and take ownership in keeping data safe .

Many more solutions are available, use the links on this page to explore them further or speak to a Kroll expert today via our 24x7 cyber incident hotlines or our contact page.

Talk to a Cyber Expert

Kroll is ready to help, 24x7. Use the links on this page to explore our services further or speak to a Kroll expert today via our 24x7 cyber hotlines or our contact page.
Stay Ahead with Kroll

Kroll Responder MDR

Stop cyberattacks. Kroll Responder managed detection and response is fueled by seasoned IR experts and frontline threat intelligence to deliver unrivaled response.

Incident Response Plan Development

Today, you learn your company is experiencing a serious cyber incident. It could be a ransomware attack, a hacked O365 email account, the theft of PII or PHI, data exposure from misconfigured network settings. What is the first step you should take?

Incident Response Tabletop Exercises

Kroll’s field-proven incident response tabletop exercises provide a customised test of every aspect of an organisation’s cyber response plan.

Optimised Third-Party Cyber Risk Management Programmes

Manage risk, not spreadsheets. Identify and address cyber threats in third-party relationships to ensure compliance with regulations such as NYDFS, FARS, GDPR, etc.

Third Party Cyber Audits and Reviews

Kroll’s cyber audits and reviews ensure third parties handle sensitive data according to regulatory guidelines and industry standards.

FAST Attack Simulation

Safely perform attacks on your production environment to test your security technology and processes.