Resolving a Highly Complex Security Breach for a Global Multi-National

Discover how integrated expertise in cyber security, workflow assessment, physical security and preventing and detecting financial fraud enabled Kroll to empower a multi-national to take decisive action in response to a security breach, ensuring a fast and effective recovery.

The Challenge

Resolving a Highly Complex Security Breach for a Global Multinational

Kroll’s client, a multi-national, discovered that it had been infiltrated by a foreign threat actor on a number of fronts. Not only had its networks and financial workflows been attacked, but there was a strong likelihood of a physical security breach. The client urgently required expert support to identify what had happened, contain and remove the attacker and then deal with any associated litigation issues. As a high-profile company, the client was under significant pressure to achieve all of this efficiently and effectively in order to minimize the potential damage to its reputation and financial status and meet its regulatory responsibilities.

Kroll's Solution

Resolving a Highly Complex Security Breach for a Global Multinational

As one of the few companies able to bring our integrated capabilities to bear on this complex situation, Kroll was able to provide an immediate multidisciplinary action plan to support the company at every stage. By bringing together our extensive expertise in cyber security, as well as our workflow assessment, physical security and financial fraud investigation services, Kroll was able to quickly provide all necessary services in one neatly packaged plan with clear directives. This streamlined and coordinated approach ensured that a potentially highly damaging security event was fully mitigated and minimized. Kroll’s global footprint also meant that cross-border issues were not an obstacle to addressing related regulatory requirements.

The Impact

Resolving a Highly Complex Security Breach for a Global Multinational

With Kroll’s help, the damage caused by the security breach was contained, preventing any further loss and preserving the value and integrity of the client’s assets and overall business. What’s more, the impact of Kroll’s cross-practice approach went beyond resolving the immediate security risks presented by the breach. As well as enhancing the customer’s short-term security posture, Kroll also helped strengthen its long-term resilience on many fronts, from cyber security to compliance to physical security.

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Cyber Risk

Incident response, digital forensics, breach notification, managed detection services, penetration testing, cyber assessments and advisory.

Cyber Risk Retainer

Kroll delivers more than a typical incident response retainer—secure a true cyber risk retainer with elite digital forensics and incident response capabilities and maximum flexibility for proactive and notification services.

24x7 Incident Response

Kroll is the largest global IR provider with experienced responders who can handle the entire security incident lifecycle.

Forensic Investigations and Intelligence

Kroll’s forensic investigations and intelligence team delivers actionable data and insights to help clients across the world make critical decisions and mitigate risk.

Compliance Risk and Diligence

Complying with anti-money laundering and anti-bribery and corruption regulations.

Expert Services

Independent expert analysis, testimony, advice and investigations for complex disputes and projects.