Cyber Extortion Gets Personal- The Next Step in Email Compromises
by Christopher Ballod, Jaycee Roth

Wed, May 18, 2022
In Q1 2022, Kroll observed a 54% increase in phishing attacks being used for initial access in comparison with Q4 2021. Email compromise and ransomware were the two most common threat incident types, highlighting the integral part played by end users in the intrusion lifecycle.
Kroll continues to observe widely-publicized vulnerabilities such as ProxyShell and Log4J being used as pivot points for attackers to access and compromise systems through approaches such as business email compromise (BEC) and cryptominers. In Q1 2022, Kroll observed these vulnerabilities being leveraged by multiple different ransomware groups for initial access into systems. In the same quarter, Kroll also observed an increase in attacks related to Emotet and IcedID malware.
While the proportion of ransomware incidents slipped by 20% from the last quarter, cybercriminals capitalized on other methods to extort victims, such as the large-scale data theft by groups like Lapsus$, and a unique twist on BEC that led to significant extortion demands.
While email compromise showed an increase of 19% from Q4, ransomware incidents trended down. Overall, ransomware activity in the first quarter of 2022 was down nearly 30% from Q3 2021. As discussed in previous Kroll reports, substantial international law enforcement operations at the end of 2021 disrupted many high-profile ransomware groups, such as REvil, while others, like BlackMatter, voluntarily announced an end to their operations due to pressure from the authorities. In the first month of 2022, additional REvil affiliates were arrested by Russian authorities. While these coordinated disruptions may have led to a temporary downturn in ransomware activity, Kroll observed an uptick in such incidents in March 2022, indicating the regrouping and rebranding of ransomware gangs as new variants like QuantumLocker and Dark Angel.
Web compromise continues to experience a gradual rise as significant vulnerabilities like Log4J and SpringShell make it easier for cybercriminals to exploit web applications.
Since mid-2021, Kroll has observed an ongoing trend of email compromises followed by attempts to financially extort individuals or organizations. In Q1, one such case started with a phishing email targeting IT departments. Once an end user clicked on the link to enter their log-in credentials, global admin credentials were harvested. Threat actors later used those credentials to gain access into the system and take over multiple email accounts belonging to IT staff and C-level employees. Due to their persistence on the network, the actors were also able to download data such as attachments and links to internal OneDrive and SharePoint instances.
Once the actors had left a ransom note on the system demanding a payment to end the attack, they began using multiple different methods to contact the compromised account holders, such as text message and email. In some cases, the actors took over social media accounts associated with the employees as a means to further pressure victims into meeting their ransom demands.
Jaycee Roth, Associate Managing Director at Kroll, comments, “While these methods mirror the pressure tactics used by ransomware gangs, they are less sophisticated and easier to launch”.
In Q1, incidences of phishing for initial access soared by 54%. The increase in incidents of phishing for initial access may be driven by a rise in malspam campaigns by Emotet and IcedID. Emotet developers continued to experiment, as demonstrated by the rise of spam campaigns and the ongoing use of detection aversion techniques. Conti operators have also started using Emotet instead of TrickBot.
The use of BEC campaigns was highlighted in a case investigated by Kroll in which a reply chain attack between a third party and their victim led to an employee downloading an attached .zip file containing a malicious Excel document with macros which then launched PowerShell. This then contacted the Emotet download server and accessed an .ocx file. In this instance, the installation of Emotet was halted due to Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) technology detecting a connection to a malicious Command and Control (C2) server, but the email was still shared internally, resulting in multiple infections.
In another attack investigated by Kroll, the victim received a phishing email in their personal email account, accessed on a corporate device. The legitimacy of the email was convincing due to a third-party compromise in January in which a list of users’ emails were leaked. The victim clicked on malicious links embedded in the email, resulting in multiple redirects to a malicious .html file hosted on OneDrive.
Sometimes actors use a vulnerability to gain access, followed by a second-stage attack, such as email phishing, to spread malware. In another case investigated by Kroll, actors leveraged the ProxyShell vulnerability to access the network and once inside, they sent a widespread phishing campaign throughout the client organization. The phishing lures took the form of email thread hijacking attacks where the actors replied to a legacy thread with a .zip file that appeared to be an invoice and a unique passcode for extracting the files. Users that clicked on the link and entered the passcode opened the files which then downloaded IcedID onto their systems. Nearly two weeks later, QuantumLocker ransomware was deployed.
Although ransomware activity saw a downturn in comparison with previous quarters, it still accounted for 32% of Kroll cases. Incidences of Conti attacks dropped by nearly 43% from Q4 2021 to Q1 2022, while the frequency of other variants such, as LockBit 2.0, AvosLocker, QuantumLocker and Ragnar Locker, grew.
In Q1, Kroll observed ransomware gangs using vulnerabilities such as ProxyShell and Log4J for initial access into networks. One of the ransomware variants on the rise, AvosLocker, has previously been observed both by Kroll and other entities as using ProxyShell for initial access.
In Q1, Kroll observed an AvosLocker incident that began with an attacker gaining access to a client’s VMWare Horizon instance via the Log4J vulnerability. It is notable that initial access was made in December, just a few days after the mass publication of the vulnerability. Actors maintained persistence in the system via tools such as AnyDesk, NGROK and Cobalt Strike before deploying AvosLocker with PDQDeploy via a domain admin account nearly two months later. Dark Angel ransomware was also observed using Log4J for an initial foothold before ransomware deployment.
Ron Rader, Senior Vice President at Kroll, notes that, “Attackers are continually scouring the internet looking for organizations that are unpatched for widely publicized vulnerabilities such as Microsoft Exchange servers and Java’s Log4j Remote Code Execution flaw.”
Consistent with the previous two quarters, professional services was the most targeted sector across Kroll incident response cases. In Q1, Kroll observed a 33% increase in incidents impacting the manufacturing sector, with 68% of incidents being ransomware. Of those attacks, Conti was the most frequently observed ransomware variant impacting the sector. Kroll observed that targeting against manufacturing trended upward as the quarter drew to a close, with the bulk of the incidents targeting that sector occurring in March.
To improve email hygiene, our experts recommend users to:
Activity observed in Q1 2022 highlights that the threat landscape remains complex, despite a decrease in ransomware incidents and the disruption and exposure of a number of key threat groups. 2022 is proving to be the year of attacker diversity, with actors exploiting new methods, such as email compromise, leading to extortion. This, and the ongoing events relating to the Russian war on Ukraine, mean that it is highly likely that conditions will remain challenging throughout 2022.
As with the previous quarter, the watchword for organizations continues to be vigilance, detection and response. Security and risk leaders need actionable threat intel not only to prioritize key threats and vulnerabilities, but also to retain the ability to quickly detect and confidently respond to attacks.
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